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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Self-made Friendship Bracelets

Self-made friendship bracelet can be the best gift that you can give to your friend this friendship day. There are several varieties of friendship bracelets available in the market, but making a bracelet on your own can definitely make it more special because of personal touch. If you wish to make a friendship bracelet for your friend, then here is a method that you can follow:
  • Things Required
  • Embroidery floss
  • Masking tape and a safety pin
  • Scissors
  • Measuring Tape
  1. Firstly, go and buy some colorful embroidery thread or embroidery floss. You can easily get it from any store near your house. Opt for different colors so as to create colorful striped effect.
  2. Cut 9 strands of 3 feet each. Make sure that each three strands have similar colors. For instance, you can take three red color strands, three blue color and three green color strands.
  3. Now grip all the strands together and tie an overhand knot such that a tail of about 3 inches is left.
  4. When all the three strands are tied together, attach your floss to a table with a masking tape or simply pin it up to your pant leg so that it is really easy for you to proceed.
  5. Spread the out the floss strands to ensure no entanglements.
  6. Now take the left-most strands floss and bring it over the strand 2 (of the same color) and then behind it like a loop and bring it back in front of the strand1. This will form a half hitch knot.
  7. Hold the strand 2 tightly while making the knot. Carefully pull strand 1 up and towards the right in order to tighten the knot.
  8. Continue down the row, by using the same strand you knotted over strand 2. Use it to make similar knot on strand 3.
  9. Continue using strand 1 to form a knot on strand 4, then 5 and so on until you have made a knot on each strand all the way across.
  10. When the row is completely done and correctly done, you will notice that the left-most strand at the beginning is now the right-most strand.
  11. Now repeat it with the left most strand.
  12. Continue the process.
  13. When the friendship bracelet reaches the right length, make another overhand knot to finish it off.
  14. You can go on to braid the ends or string beads onto them in order to enhance their look.

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